Family Planning

There are so many areas of our lives in which an updated approach is required to getting those affairs in order, simply because of the dynamic nature of the world we live in now. Sure, it’s always been a dynamic world we’ve found ourselves living in, but these days the rate at which things change is so much faster, with the increase in this speed of change representing what looks more like an exponential model.

Family planning is definitely one such area which requires revision by way of its approach, to incorporate an updated way that falls more in line with current social, economic and environmental conditions. If you went about family planning the way your grandparents indicatively did it, you would probably not be able to get the support required and you would essentially be setting yourself up for failure.

So here are a few pointers on what you may consider as part of a revised approach to family planning. Additionally, you can also talk to a family therapist (which you can hire through Kinspire or another consultant near your location) who can assist you in determining your family goals and how to achieve them. You can avail on-demand guidance through text, video chat, and at-home therapy.

Proactive-reactive planning

It seems like a paradox, I know, but that’s really what’s required these days. Nothing really has defined borders anymore and to a certain extent, it even goes to the level of perhaps having to tailor your family planning to the unique and specific circumstances you’re having to deal with as an individual. I’d love to say that this would be some planning as a couple, but we all know how it goes these days. Often family planning is something of a reactionary undertaking as opposed to a proactive one. In other words, it’s like building an in-law suite (learn more about this here) after you’ve already had guests feel uncomfortable at your place rather than building one before they arrive, keeping their comfort in mind.

I mean, how many people are first getting married and then thinking about family planning as they try to start having children, in this day and age? It’s happening the other way around – by the time any kind of family planning is put into place, it takes place on a reactionary basis. To be fair though, this is probably how it always happened, with the numbers skewed in favor of those parents who first fall pregnant and then decide to construct a traditional family structure around the coming baby. It’s probably just a matter of things having been more secretly done in the past, with entire extended families stepping in to effectively do their bit to “conceal the family shame” and perhaps arrange for a quick wedding before the child is born or in some instances even having the baby secretly delivered to be raised as the child of someone else in a position which is much more “legitimate.”

These days families are focused more on what’s important – the fact that there’s a new life coming into this world to extend the family and the livelihood of this new life takes priority over everything else.

That’s where the proactive-reactive approach spoken of and actually quite widely practiced doesn’t appear to be a paradox after all, because you’d effectively be planning for the reaction you’re going to have to effect when what is an un-planned pregnancy hits you.


In an ideal world, each of us wants to be able to pop all the cash we need to pay for anything we need and want in its entirety, but that’s just not a reality for many of us. And everything to do with anything, including planning for the raising of a child comes back down to the finances, so that’s an area you have to make sure to get right. Kids grow fast and with every year that they grow they become more and more expensive, so you need to have a financial plan in place which is going to keep up with these growing financial needs.


YOUR health is important too, so keep that in mind. It’s essential that you speak to your doctor or visit a family medicine center if you feel like something is wrong, do not try and put it off as it could get worse. Fortunately the world is up to speed with the growing challenges of raising children, so when it comes to crucial and sometimes even critical areas of family planning like health, there are some health plans which are designed specifically for families and children. Basically it’s all centered on insurance, which means you don’t have to fork out a lump-sum each time a medical emergency befalls you. Take, for example, Medi-Cal health insurance. It is a free or low-cost health insurance program. A low-income resident of California can receive health, dental and vision coverage through this program. Moreover, Medi-Cal health insurance comes under California’s Medicaid program and is paid for with state and federal tax revenues. In order to learn more about this, you can search for Medicaid California on the Internet.


The same applies to education – it’s not always a case of the most expensive schools making for the best that your growing child can have, but rather about ensuring they get a good enough education to be able to one day function as independent adults.